

img Chamber Services, Inc. is a contractor specializing in the construction of Anechoic Test Facilities.

From the beginning, Chamber Services set out to challenge "customary practices" and strengthen the relationships between building contractors and test facility customers. Our emphasis on a "team approach" includes early involvement of architects, engineers and facilities operators. Chamber Services streamlines the communication processes, identifies our customer's long-term and short-term objectives, and anticipates and solves problems before they develop. We then establish aggressive schedules to meet our customer's objectives, and commit the resources in manpower and expertise to deliver on our promises-with no excuses.

By collaborating with designers, architects, engineers, consultants, suppliers and subcontractors, our team members are focused on a common objective; provide our customer with a facility that exceeds their expectations and presenting a product that is unsurpassed in quality, performance, and value.

No matter the project size, a small portable test chamber or a multi-million dollar test facility, our "team approach" provides continuous test facilities construction improvements every day through training, knowledge-sharing and our self-initiated, roll-up-our-sleeves attitude. We are constantly searching for ways to improve and learning new skills to provide better service and build superior facilities.


imgChamber Services embraces fast paced technically advanced construction projects. Our design, engineering, management and construction TEAM provides the technical expertise to meet our customer's requirements. While the relevant technology, organizational arrangements or processes may differ, the comprehensive management of aerospace, defense, high security and telecommunication projects is similar.

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Thorough Project Planning

We break down the complex design and planning processes for each project. Using Lean Engineering principles we evaluate each phase of our projects to improve quality, eliminate waste, reduce schedules ultimately reducing costs.


Our designers, architects, engineers, suppliers and consultant's experience and diverse backgrounds, provide the skills and expertise needed to meet our customers objectives.


Taking action is key to meeting projects objectives on-time and on budget. We develop a customized plan of action for each project, ensuring the project stays on schedule and within budget.

Measurable Results

Measuring the success of our projects is not just about the hours worked. A successful project meets or exceeds our customer's requirements and enhances our knowledge of what works and ensures effective use of resources on future projects.

           Chamber Services, Inc. | 11521 Monarch Street Garden Grove, CA 92841 | Phone 714.893.5034 | Fax 714.893.5025 | info@chamberservicesinc.com